Pictured above, Briston Fernandes, center, and participants at the workshop.
Leap Day, 2020, found sisters, friends of Nano and others reflecting on the “Spirituality of Aging,” an offering of Presentation Prayer Center, Fargo.
Briston Fernandes, native of India, holds a number of graduate degrees and has served as director of Catholic Charities for a number of years, most recently in the Fargo Diocese from 2002-2012. He currently offers retreats on workshops on spirituality, social justice and adult faith formation. He is the author of The road to Calvary—Meditations for our Journey through Life, published in India by Pauline Publications.
Mr. Fernandes spoke of aging as a natural phenomena seen in all of creation. With time and grace, humans grow in spiritual consciousness into a deeper experience of connectedness with the universe and the Creator. The workshop was well attended and participants especially appreciated the emphasis on the spirituality of aging.
Submitted by Sister Roselima D’Costa