Fargo Associates/Friends of Nano Celebrate Annual Day
Celebrating the tercentenary (300th) anniversary of Nano’s birth, the annual associate day was held on June 9 at the Presentation Center, Fargo, N.D., using the theme Being Nano Today. Seventy-three associates/sisters and guests participated throughout the day of prayer, reflection, contemplative sharing and fellowship. The group remembered the three associates and the two local sisters who had died in the last year.
The day began with morning prayer, including a reflection, “The Little Acorn that Could: Mighty Oak Potentiality and Being Nano Today,” given by Associate Lonnie Pederson. Based on her recent doctoral dissertation, Lonnie inspired the group to consider the call to be servant leaders in our daily lives. Five associate candidates were received into association.

Mark and Collen DuBord, Dana Leopold, Noell Reinhiller and Deb White
Sister Sharon Altendorf shared information on the IPA Assembly including the new direction, mission and commitments from the September meeting. Sister Katherine Fennell shared information on the Union Congregational Gathering. The theme song, Nano Aflame, was used as the music throughout the day.
Time was spent with a contemplative sharing on SDG #11, “Making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.” Finally, the personal and communal call to Being Nano Today in mission and ministry was reflected upon. Participants made commitments and reflected on how these relate to both being Presentation and to the SDG’s. Finally the associates/Friends of Nano were commissioned for another year and four associates were recognized for their 10th anniversaries